Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lamwo Rock Foundation Competition

HIV/AIDs has for decades been eating up lives and families around the world. Despite its long life on the African continent, including Uganda, information about some key aspects of the disease are still lacking, hard to come by or difficult to understand. 

LamwoRock Foundation is seeking submissions of poetry, short stories and essays about HIV/AIDs with a focus on eradicating stigma, imparting simple and accurate knowledge about the disease, but also creating a literary bank on HIV. 

The annual competition, which starts in 2014, accepts both fiction and non-fiction works that encourages positive change aimed at reducing HIV spread.   

  • No entry fee required.
  • All entries must be original and written in English.
  • Entries for short stories and essays must be between 3,000 and 5,000 words and 30 lines for each poetry submission.
  • All entries must be in font Times New Roman and double spaced.
  • Each entry should have a cover page with the author's name, title of the work[s], email address and telephone number. Every subsequent page must carry the title of the work and page number, but NOT the author's name.
  • Each entrant may submit only one short story or essay or a maximum of three poems.
  • Entries may not have been previously published.
  • All entries are final. No revisions are allowed after submission.
  • The decisions of the judges are entirely their own, and are final.
·         LamwoRock Foundation reserves the first right to all submissions, but authors retain copyright to their work. 

Who is qualified?
Any Ugandan living in the country and aged between 18 and 35 years can make a submission.

Submissions will be received starting January 1, 2014 up to March 31, 2014. Any submission sent after the deadline will not be accepted.
Winners & Prizes
  • A short list of five nominees will be notified by email and their names published on the Lamwo Rock Foundation website.
·         The winners will be announced at an award giving ceremony. The overall winner will receive a $500 cash prize, $200 for the second winner and $100 for the third. The top three winners will also have their works translated into Luo for possible teaching material.
·         The fourth and fifth winners will have their works published on the Lamwo Rock Foundationwebsite. They will also receive non-cash prizes, including books.

For entry
Entries must be submitted electronically to in Ms Word or Adobe PDF format.  

Monday, September 30, 2013

Our ongoing activities and future plan


 Lamwo Rock Foundation is currently sponsoring students at Secondary schools, at vocational school, and 12 at primary schools. All this students and pupils are at different schools within Uganda, of their choice or where the foundation has seen education is viable and achievable. We pay their school fees, provide them with scholastic materials, provide transport for going and coming from schools, provide counseling and guidance. 

For the secondary and vocational students, we started the sponsorship in the academic year 2013. This was with funding from the membership fee and community donation to help support Education vision of Lamwo Rock Foundation. However, with the increased demand from the community, the foundation was forced to add in more students especially the candidate class who were not going to sit for their final exams due to lack of funding. We added 5 more, 3 in senior four and 2 in senior six for academic year 2013. Upon completion the foundation will see what next for the students; this will depend on the availability of funding. Once the funding is there, the foundation will allow them to continue to the next level of education.

The vacation students will have a one year course whereby they will be asked to practice by the foundation before they upgrade. They will be provided with the start up kits during their graduation to enable them begin micro-business.

For the primary pupils they still have a long way to go since some have started from lower level of Education. However, Lamwo Rock Foundation's vision is to see that these pupils study until they attain a level of education which can make them live independent life. Therefore Lamwo Rock Foundation will continue to look for educational funding which will pay these pupils to the higher level of education. And after finishing primary 7, they will be given chance to chose either Vocational training or secondary school. This will enable them to choose for their dreamed path along the academic line.

Future Plan for Education:

The Foundation still sees many children who dwell in need for education, those who still lies in absolutes poverty, those without the parents and guidance ...and they needs education. The foundation still needs to give these children hope and light for the futures. Therefore we will continue enrolling more of these children to joint schools; we will continue to look for kind helping hands which can help make future of these children bright. Our approach will remain the community approach whereby the communities through our social workers volunteers identify the vulnerable children and orphans to be sponsored. 

Also there is already a plan for construction of a vocational training center and primary school for the OVC. The community has allocated a land to the foundation and they have laid brick for setting up vocational center, this will start if the foundation gets some fund from other source to help get other materials and the labor cost of the building.

Small Scale business:

Through the donation and membership fees, vulnerable women especially those one living with HIV/AIDS have been provided with the capital for starting small scales business in Parapono parish. The project started at the beginning of the year, the women pays back the money monthly with an interest of 10% with the reason that at the end of the project, they should be able to add one person into the project; the money they pay back, at the end of the year will be given to the next lot inform of community revolving loan with additional 1 person as the result of their interest. The program has started in Parapono parish, with 10 women from one village (Guria East village). Each woman received 100,000 shilling cash. This is a pilot; more 10 women from the 5 village will join the program at the beginning of 2014 given that all the women pay back their money and manage it successfully. This program is directly managed by loan management committee selected by the community steered by the Lamwo Rock Foundation.
The women meet to share ideas, experiences, and opinion on how the business is helping them in positive living. They collect and give the money they get to one another weekly to help boost and strengthen their saving businesses. Lamwo Rock Foundation have designed curriculum for training and capacity build the group, the receive guidance and counselling on how they should continue with the project successfully.

Future Plan for Small Scale Business:

Lamwo Rock Foundation is planning to have many women involved in this program; we need the program to cover the whole of Lokung sub-county by 2020. We need more women to be trained on this entrepreneurship because we see that this program is the best tool to fight poverty, and once women are involved in poverty fight, the whole family will be alleviated. And the biggest dream is for these women to start micro-finance bank, which will act as a role model and mode of saving for the whole district, northern Uganda and Uganda at large.

Lamwo Rock Foundation planned to set up training and production units for dress making, bee farming, tailoring, art and craft, catering, hair dressing. Training and Production Unit is a combination of Training, Production, Marketing and saving for the beneficiaries which makes it more sustainable project since it is initiated at the grass root level using available local resources.


Currently Lamwo Rock Foundation is doing HIV/AIDS program at the community level. Our community programs include:
1. Community sensitization on HIV/AIDS by our peer educators before individual counselling and testing
2. Visiting to our clients to see how they are coping up with drugs. During this visit, they get counselled and encouraged to continue taking medication, they are also advised on the nutrition so that they can gain weight faster.

Other than those, we have some specific activities we are using for sensitization of the community:
a.      HIV/AIDS and sport
On December 1stWorld AIDS Day, people all over the world shows solidarity for the fight against this terrible disease. This day helps to raise awareness about the disease that still does not have a cure, through educational activities, foundations or memorial events.
Lamwo Rock Foundation have chosen to celebrate this day through sport, we have organized a sport activity among youth of Lamwo District to help raise awareness on HIV/AIDS. This competition wills comments in the month of November 2013, 1st of December the winner teams will play in Lalak Stadium to see which team will take the cup. HIV/AIDS messages will be passed to the crowd throughout the events until the final day. There will be HIV/AIDS team with banners, posters, left let, and Vedio show. They will come along with the counselor to counseled and test the people who are willing to receive the services.

b.      Developing HIV/AIDS literature and education materials through creative writing
Lamwo Rock Foundation believes that life’s lessons are embedded in the literature we read, and the only way we are able to truly explore and engage them is in creative writing. With writing we are persuaded to translate the smallest instances into concrete words. It is a challenge that will improve approaches to day-to-day activities and, most importantly, help make one grow deeply and comprehend one own notion of humanity.

Putting HIV/AIDS into papers is the better way of understanding it. Lamwo Rock Foundation would like to picture HIV/AIDS in form of: fiction, non-fiction, prose, essay and poetry yearly beginning 2014. We need HIV/AIDS to be dabbled and experimented for better understanding. This will make the community to have syntactical choices and decide that whatever they do gear toward the prevention and ending the disease. We need the information on HIV/AIDS which has been flying on air for so long as ordinary sound of words to be stitched together in a sentence which will have reason behind its forever memory.

There should be some kind of twisted maturity that will come with writing about HIV/AIDS and carries into the reality that we have seen but had not thought about it. We will want writing that will make HIV/AIDS sudden, it should be too spontaneous, and we want to find enough of reasons which can stay with the community to help them stop this pandemic. These written words should be mildly more cautious and conscious to these messages we will communicate; it should translate into conversation and presentations, and valuable “real world.”

All Ugandan youth from 18 to 35 years will be invited to participate in this writing competition. Five best manuscripts will be selected from the pool. The winners will be our ambassador during our HIV/AIDS outreaches. Their manuscripts will be published and translated into Acholi Language. This will be read in the called gathering during the outreaches. Some manuscript will be performed as drama. This message target up 16,000 people of Lamwo district. These materials once published will be sold to raise money for the sustainability of the project. As well during outreach, fund will be raised.
c.       Wadwokotwero’ Acholi word meaning ‘giving back the power’
This project will be launched in 2014. The aim of the ‘wadwokotwero’ is to empower communities to develop community-initiated, sustainable, and innovative responses to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. We shall achieve this by providing training and mentoring to groups within the community.
Wadwokotwero mobilises and empowers the elderly women who have formed a network known as the ‘dayo’ (Acholi word for ‘grandmother’), by providing mentoring and training. The support they will receive will help them build knowledge around HIV and AIDS, develop counseling skills, acquire home-based care qualifications, and get involved in national discussions affecting the elderly and the orphan they are taking care of.
Wadwokotwero will be implemented by the Lamwo Rock Foundation to develop and expand the project and ensure that it is meeting the needs of local communities. In the 5 rural communities we work in, we shall be reaching an estimated 1,800 people directly and 16,000 indirectly.
The Dayo will build strong support networks and meet regularly to plan their work, or eat and sew together.
Wadwokotwero will also provide small-scale farming training to communities. Currently communities are receiving training in goat rearing, permaculture and container gardening techniques (to grow herbs and vegetables). This ensures communities have a sustainable supply of nutritious milk and food, which is particularly important for OVC and PLHIV. Communities are able to pass on this learning to others, making it more sustainable.
Our Future Plan for HIV/AIDS/Health:

Lamwo Rock Foundation is planning to have a hospital for HIV/AIDS patients in Lamwo District in future. We will work together with our donors and all the well wishers to see that services are brought near to the people. In most cases our clients run out of drugs and couldn't get it in time due to the distance from the hospital where they are suppose to travel up to Kitgum for this services, this affect their progress in recovery. Through the hospital our clients will have access to: Counseling and guidance, adherence on drugs, treatment of opportunistic infection and any other services.

In the nearest future
Lamwo Rock Foundation would like to have center for counseling, the room will be connected to the Lokung Health Center III which exists in the Sub-county with one mini laboratory and a store. Once the foundation center is constructed at its head quarter in Parapono parish the center will be transferred to this new location. 

The center will be fairly equipped with furniture required for HIV/AIDS education, preventive and supportive counseling both for adults and children. Clients in the center will be handled with a lot of confidentiality and empathy, all photos and other publicity from the center will be through clients’ consent. The center will also handle suicidal tendency and drug addicted cases among others.
The followings are the activities that will be done at the Center:

1. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (both static/center and outreaches).
2.   Routine HIV Counseling and Testing.
3.  HIV/AIDS Education/Sensitization through focused group discussion, drama performances, songs and dance, and with the help of expert clients. 
4.   Home visits to HIV/AIDS clients and their affected family members
5.   Home Based Care to the bedridden HIV clients.
6.   Ongoing and supportive counseling/problem solving.
7.   Clinical pastoral care to patients and staff.
8.   Support to the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). 
9.   Referrals in and out of the Unit.

Community Health:

Lamwo Rock Foundation believes that the community can take care of their health, we believes that community participation is the greatest pillar of the Primary Health Care. Currently Lamwo Rock Foundation is initiating it Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) to treat Malaria, Pneumonia and diarrhoea to children under five. Discussion is undergoing with District Health office to see how best the program will work. This program will run on voluntary basis by the Community Drugs Distributors (CDDs), they will be trained on how to assess, classify and Treat or refer the three major cases.  These volunteers will work together with the VHT to form community health consortium to maximized community health services delivery. This program will be linked to the health facilities through referral, sharing of report, and supplies.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Introducing ‘wadwokotwero’ Project

Introducing ‘wadwokotwero’
Lamwo Rock Foundation is planning to launch ‘wadwokotwero’ project in 2014. Wadwokotwero is the Acholi word meaning ‘we are giving back power’.
The aim of the ‘wadwokotwero’ project is to empower communities to develop community-initiated, sustainable, and innovative responses to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. We shall achieve this by providing training and mentoring to groups within the community.
Wadwokotwero will be implemented by the Lamwo Rock Foundation to develop and expand the project and ensure that it is meeting the needs of local communities. The LRF-CY is a community-based organization working in Lamwo District, one of the regions most affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Uganda. We work with around 20 rural communities, reaching an estimated 1,800 people directly and 84,000 indirectly.
What is the context of the project?
HIV and AIDS have had a devastating effect on families in this region, leaving many children without one or both parents, and grandparents to play the role of caregiver. Communities require support to understand and deal with this loss and to provide the necessary care for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
The elderly, who once had a respected and established role in the community, had become disempowered and were lacking a sense of purpose. Wadwokotwero will provides elderly, mainly female, carers with the knowledge and power to take control of their situation, to have the confidence to reinstate themselves as the head of the community and to spread knowledge about HIV and AIDS. 
What are the project activities?
Wadwokotwero mobilises and empowers these elderly women who have formed a network known as the ‘dayo’ (Acholi word for ‘grandmother’), by providing mentoring and training. The support they will receive will help them build knowledge around HIV and AIDS, develop counseling skills, acquire home-based care qualifications, and get involved in national discussions affecting the elderly.
The Dayo will build strong support networks and meet regularly to plan their work, or eat and sew together.
Wadwokotwero will also provide small-scale farming training to communities. Currently communities are receiving training in goat rearing, permaculture and container gardening techniques (to grow herbs and vegetables). This ensures communities have a sustainable supply of nutritious milk and food, which is particularly important for OVC and PLHIV. Communities are able to pass on this learning to others, making it more sustainable.
What is Wadwokotwero's vision and impact?
The wadwokotwero project is developed and led by the community themselves, therefore it is truly owned at a community level and the activities undertaken are what the community really needs.
An interview with the director of Lamwo Rock Foundation on how Wadwokotwero Project will work
The LRF-CY role is to provide the mentoring, training and guidance to local people to build their capacity to deal with the impact of the AIDS epidemic and empower them to overcome challenges and build a sustainable response. The change envisaged by the project is to avert the spread of HIV and AIDS by building stronger community networks and changing behavior.
The elderly women reached by the Wadwokotwero’ project will be empowered by the training and mentoring they will receive from the Lamwo Rock Foundation and it will greatly improved their confidence levels and their ability to take care of children and young people. In turn this will improve both their health and that of those in their care.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Writing competition

Purpose for the writing competition

Life’s lessons are always embedded in the literature we read, and the only way we are able to truly explore and engage them is in creative writing. With writing we are persuaded to translate the smallest instances into concrete words. It is a challenge that will improve approaches to day-to-day activities and, most importantly, help make one grow deeply and comprehend one own notion of humanity.
Putting HIV/AIDS into papers is the better way of understanding it. Lamwo Rock Foundation would like to picture HIV/AIDS in form of: fiction, non-fiction, prose, essay and poetry yearly beginning 2014. We need HIV/AIDS to be dabbled and experimented for better understanding. This will make the community to have syntactical choices and decide that whatever they do gear toward the prevention and ending the disease. We need the information on HIV/AIDS which has been flying on air for so long as ordinary sound of words to be stitched together in a sentence which will have reason behind its forever memory.
There will be some kind of twisted maturity that will come with writing about HIV/AIDS and carries into the reality that we have seen but had not thought about it. We will want writing that will make HIV/AIDS sudden, it should be too spontaneous, and we want to find enough of reasons which can stay with the community to help them stop this pandemic. With written words, we shall be mildly more cautious and conscious to these messages we will communicate. This will translate into conversation and presentations, and it is valuable in this “real world.”


Lamwo Rock Foundation calls for a writing competition on a topic HIV/AIDS. The writing should carry a message which will inspire positive change in attitude toward HIV/AIDS, discourage stigma toward the HIV/AIDS patients. The writing should be creative enough to leave sparkling message in the mind of the audience.  Out of the long list of submission, five manuscripts will be shortlisted for the prizes. The three winning manuscript will be published by Lamwo Rock Foundation and they will be translated into Luo language, the other two will be published online on Lamwo Rock Foundation website. This writing can be inform of fiction or nonfiction but must address the key topic, 'HIV/AIDS'. The manuscript should be between 3000 to 5000 words, poetry is not accepted for the year 2014. All work must be original and shouldn't have been published in any form before. All the writers copy’s right is reserved and the writer should accept the published book to be used for teaching.

Submission will commence in 1st of January 2014 and the deadline will be 31st of March. The five winners will be announced in Lamwo district by May 2014 where their winning prizes will be presented.

Who is qualified?
All Ugandan youth from 18 to 35 years of age living in Uganda. Living in Uganda refers to a person born in the country and staying in the country. A Ugandan who has gone abroad for the purpose of study or work but has his/her family living in Uganda can apply.


The first winner will go with $ 500 and the second runner up with $ 200 and third $ 100 and 4th and 5th will get various goods ranging from books. The five winners will read from their scripts to the audience in the sunny evening of Lamwo while viewing the top of Lalak Mountain. 

For questions


We are located in Lamwo District, Northern Uganda
Head Office At:
Guria East Village,
Parapono Parish,
Lokung Sub County,
Lamwo District

Facsbook: Lamwo Rock
Tel: +256777760489/ +256782371641

Activity for the world Aids day 1st December 2013.

 On December 1stWorld AIDS Day, people all over the world show solidarity for the fight against this terrible disease. This day helps to raise awareness about the disease that still does not have a cure, through educational activities, foundations or memorial events.
Lamwo Rock Foundation have chosen to celebrate this day through sport, we shall organize a sport activity among youth of Lamwo District to help raise awareness on HIV/AIDS. This competition will comments in the month of November and first of December the winner teams will play in Lalak Stadium to see which team will take the cup. HIV/AIDS messages will be passed to the crowd throughout the events until the final day.
Any body you will want to contribute towards the beauty of this day can contact us. 

Facsbook: Lamwo Rock

Tel: +256777760489/ +256782371641

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Improvement of Education system through creative writing.

Improvement of Education system through creative writing

Lamwo Rock Foundation believes in the Africa which can write itself. We believe that the beauty of African comes from the hands of Africans, we believe in creating new African through pens and papers. Therefore we sponsor writing completion for youth and children; we give prizes to the winning writing. These writing cover many genres ranging from poetry, to fiction, autobiography and nonfiction writing. We believe in developing creativity among the youth and children, and believe that a creative mind is a source of knowledge.

Our upcoming writing competition

Lamwo Rock Foundation would like to hold a writing competition next year 2014, the call for submission will be open in January 1st 2014 and the dateline will be 31st of March 2014. The winner will be announced in May 2014. The genre for this competition and other details will be announced in January and the categories to submit the application will be announced later.