Sunday, December 23, 2012

Background information
Lamwo Rock Foundation is a charity, non-profit and non-governmental organization found by the community members from Lamwo district to help: protect, promote, build and develop the lives of children, youth and women in the District. Found as early as 2009, it was registered officially in 2012 as a Community Based Organisation (CBO). Our main sources of funding have been: community fund raising, donation from individual and local implementing partners. We work in the area of health, Child protection and Education. In health we focus at but not limited to HIV/AIDS, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition especially to the children and people with HIV/AIDS.
Our vision
Is a community in which every child and Youth attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.
Our mission
Is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the community treats children and youth, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
Our core values are:
We take personal responsibility for using our resources efficiently, achieving measurable results, and being accountable to supporters, partners and, most of all, children and Youth
Volunteerism is the heart and soul of our organization.  We appreciate the myriad contributions of our volunteers, and recognize the power of “thank you.”  We value the power of good that volunteers can achieve. We seek to promote and encourage volunteerism among our stakeholders and the children and Youth we serve. 
Respect for Children and Youth:
We believe that children and youth are our most precious resources. We believe in an approach to youth development that builds assets and empowers individuals. We foster leadership, engaging children and youth to give service and make decisions in a democratic society
We believe the greatest influence on a child and Youth is the family and the greatest influence on the family is the community. We recognize the importance of working with a wide range of community organizations to better serve our children and Youth.  We are committed to forging partnerships that combine diverse strengths, skills and resources. We value the input we receive from our community partners. We know that lasting success depends upon working together cooperatively and constructively.
Family & Friends:
We believe that the support of family and friends is crucial. We aim to enrich parents’ and other adults’ lives by expanding their skills and knowledge set and encouraging them to share their talents and build relationships with kids. We believe that the best youth development occurs where kids are actively involved in.



1.       Child Protection

For more than two years, Lamwo Rock Foundation has been protecting children from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence in Lokung Sub County, Lamwo district. Our program focuses on the most vulnerable while aiming for the safety and well-being of all children in Lamwo district. Important part of all LRF-CY’s child protection work is the participation and leadership of children themselves. To this end, we actively support child clubs and other child-led activities that educate children on how to protect themselves, and empower them to call for action in their communities; formation and training of Community Based Child Protection Networks in every village to respond to cases of child abuses.

  1. Education
  • We pay school fees  and provide uniforms and other scholastic materials to the orphans and vulnerable youth in the community in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions
  • We coach parents and caregivers to help their children learn early on, so they are prepared to enter school.
  • We offer start up kits for Youth who have undergone skills training.
  • We make sure that children don't stop learning during a crisis, and we help to keep kids healthy so they don't fall behind or drop out.
  • We support Sport activities for children and Youth.
  • We sensitize community on the importance of education especially girl child education.
  • Provision of sanitary kits to girls (12 years and above) to promote school retention of girl child and personal hygiene.
  • Offer carrier guidance and follow up to school children.
  1. Health
  • Lamwo Rock Foundation for Children and Youth works to improve health and nutrition of mothers and children, with special attention to poor and vulnerable communities.
  •  In partnership with governmental and non-profit organizations, LRF-CY supports proven programs to improve the quality, availability, increased demand and use of high impact health service in hard-to-reach and impoverished communities.
  •  We train the community on how to provide the community based treatment to children on the common childhood illness such as Diarrhoea, Pneumonia and malaria.
  • We help the community to form Home Health Promoters (HHP) who will help look after their health.
  •  We organise community to participate on the activities which can help improve or prevent the risk factors which can cause them diseases such as water and sanitation.
  •  We develops referral system in the community, we encourage that all the children who will not be treated by the HHP should be referred immediately to the nearby health centre.
  •  Sensitize parents on family planning and child Spacing.

  • Lamwo Rock Foundation for Children and Youth envisions a community where children and families can live free of HIV infection and in which families that are affected by HIV and AIDS can live positively and productively without stigma and discrimination
  • We sensitize the community through health education on HIV/AIDS infection;
  • We organise outreaches for the community especially the youth, we encourage them to go for testing for HIV;
  • We health Educate youth and the rest of the community to avoid risk factors like unprotected sex, having many sexual partners which can lead to contracting HIV and take a better option like abstinence, being faithful and having one sexual partner;
  • We counsel people who have contracted HIV/AIDS on how to live positively and remain productive in the community, and we encourage them to go for and continue taking medication;
  •  We ensure that pregnant mothers living with HIV have attended maximum Antenatal care (ANC) services, we follow them through our social workers to make sure during delivery they are delivered in the hospital or health centre so that they get Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMCT) services, this may allow a HIV free child;
  • We educate and provides HIV/AIDS patients proper nutrition especially to children, pregnant and lactating mothers who are more vulnerable;
  • We educate the community on their attitude toward the HIV patients; we urge them to treat the patients like any other members of the community by avoiding stigmatizing them.

Head Office At:
Guria East Village,
Parapono Parish,
Lokung Sub County,
Lamwo District

Tel: +256777760489/ +256782371641